fastDecision 4.3 Released


  • General improvements


  • Fixed problem where the best-fit indicator on the pair-wise was positioned incorrectly when only using two objectives (=100% consistency)


  • The number format of the Budget/Benefit info now follows the number format of the first alternative’s “cost” format (the number format of the first alternative’s cost is used).

  • The cost-benefit chart number formats and wording now follows that of the alternatives “cost” header

fastDecision 4.2 Released


  • Improved performance in calculation of the objectives and inconsistencies

  • Improved calculation of the inconsistencies - gap between current judgement and best fit now measured, and when below a threshold, the inconsistency highlight is removed

  • Consistency threshold changed to 90%

  • Fixed bug where light-grey numbers could appear below the pair-wise


  • Bug fixed where changing a rating could cause fD to crash if the alternatives had not yet been ranked

decisionAccelerator 4.20 Released


  • Right-mouse click menu added for faster access to dA functionality:

    • Context menu items are sensitive based on whether the cell is an Objective, Alternative or Constraint

    • Clicking anywhere else on a model reveals a reduced set of Excel functions

    • Reset Priorities is always visible when on a model, no matter where the user clicks

    • Clicking on a non-model reveals the standard Excel menu


  • Bug fixed where it was possible to delete the first alternative in the list when there was only two alternatives (the user should have been prompted a model must have a minimum of two alternatives).

decisionAccelerator 4.19 Released


  • Calculate manually added back to the Objectives tab. This is a global “do not calculate flag” so changing the objective’s pair-wise or the alternative’s rankings does not recalculate the objectives or the alternatives. This is primarily used for those with laptops from the Stone Age.

  • Fixed bug where the error message “Must be on a model.” would appear, even if on a decision model.


  • Consistency now turned off during sensitivity analysis

  • Fixed problem where sorting the objectives after performing a sensitivity analysis more than two times would cause the original pair-wise judgements to be lost

  • Fixed problem when deleting an objective, where selecting an entire row (vs. just the objective’s name) would cause 16,364 cells to be deleted

  • Fixed problem where “Calculate pair-wise” remained checked when “Force rank” was unchecked


  • Improved representation of bars in the rankings table with only positive and negative values and when “high values are good” and “low values are good”

Criteria versus Objective

Criteria versus Objective

Decision models have three major components; goal, objectives, and alternatives. Some people use "criteria" instead of "objective." There is no "right" or "wrong" term, just different interpretations. When you look at the literature on AHP you find both, for example this good wiki descriptionuses "criterion" and it is hard to find the word objective anywhere. Others only use Objective. The more models we build the more we understand why using "objective" results in better models.

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Horizontal project scoring

Horizontal project scoring

Horizontal project scoring versus vertical prioritization (the zero-sum game). Traditional "project scoring" systems we see look like this... a list of projects in a spreadsheet scored against some sort of measurement criteria. Sometimes the criteria is weighted by importance. Each row (project) is scored against the weighted criteria. The rows are totaled and each project gets a score. Some have called this "horizontal scoring."

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Pairwise ranking of objectives versus simple weighting

Pairwise ranking of objectives versus simple weighting

Traditional "project scoring" systems we see look like this... a list of projects in a spreadsheet scored against some sort of measurement criteria. Sometimes the criteria is weighted by importance. The "weighting of criteria" approach does provide some degree of influence over the project scoring results, but it fails to capture the proportional relationships between criteria or what we like to call "Objectives."

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decisionAccelerator 4.18 Released


  • New streamlined ribbon interface

  • Speed improvements


  • Pair-wise names now displayed rather than bars

  • Inconsistencies now permanently displayed and visible by a red (most inconsistent) or orange (second most inconsistent) border around the judgement (cell)

    • Note: all current dA models will need to be upgraded to see the inconsistencies

  • Bug fixed where an error would be caused if the pair-wise cell was < -9 or >9. This could caused if the pair-wise was automatically calculated from a force rank.


  • Hiding unused columns now includes columns starting with the word “Column”


  • Formatting of the budget on the cost-benefit chart fixed

  • Iterations number displayed when generating a cost-benefit chart now correct

decisionAccelerator 4.17 Released


  • Problem fixed where the bars were shown incorrectly when "Low was set to good”

  • Bars in the ranking table are now split so negative values are represented by a red bar to the left of the zero position and positive values by a blue bar to the right of the zero position. To make it easier to read, the table now has vertical lines marking the boundary of each cell.

Alt ranking with neg numbers.JPG


  • Chart now as a separate file rather than integrated into the dA model. This allows multiple Cost-Benefit charts to be created and, if needed, merged into a single file if different scenarios are being developed.

  • The chart now scales to the number of budget increments/alternatives

  • An “information” screen is now displayed reporting the progress of the creating the cost-benefit chart. This will be particularly useful for charts that take a significant time to create, reassuring the user that it is working.

    • For charts that take a significant amount of time to create, try reducing the number of budget increments

decisionAccelerator 4.16 Released


  • Improved interface for defining a Values, Values ($) and a Linear scale


  • Bars in the ranking table are now split so negative values are represented by a red bar and positive values by a blue bar. To make it easier to read, the table now has vertical lines marking the boundary of each score.

  • Problem fixed where the bars were shown incorrectly when "Low was set to good”


  • Chart now as a separate file rather than integrated into the dA model. This allows multiple Cost-Benefit charts to be created and, if needed, merged into a single file if different scenarios are being developed.

  • The chart now scales to the number of budget increments/alternatives

  • An “information” screen is now displayed reporting the progress of the creating the cost-benefit chart. This will be particularly useful for charts that take a significant time to create, reassuring the user that it is working.

    • For charts that take a significant amount of time to create, try reducing the number of budget increments

decisionAccelerator 4.15 Released


  • Framework sheet updated (and moved to after CostBenefit chart)

  • Risks, PPA and Business Cases moved to separate sheets and Grouping removed

  • Dependency constraints removed

  • Excel tabs now visible when on a regular Excel worksheet - also better handling of other Excel files that are open


  • Red “best fit” arrow now just a line to avoid display problems with different screen resolutions


  • Bug fixed where the blue bars were not updated when an alternative was excluded

  • % Rating fixed

  • Slow performance fixed when saving a Custom rating

  • Custom form now dynamically changes size based on the length of the custom name

  • Custom name now highlighted on the form